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Recent & Current Projects

Special thanks to Tristan & Ty @ PVA Entertainment for their video production

South Driveway Repaving

At the beginning of 2019, the South Driveway Committee (whose members represent the 138th and 139th Street Block Associations) kicked off the South Driveway Repaving Project and worked diligently for 18-months to bring it to completion. This has been a rather monumental endeavor in getting all of the working pieces: the financials (a major fundraising effort), the trades (vetting several companies), the building owners (it required the participation and approval of all residents), and the logistics (the coordination of alley closures, assuring safety and security, and major communication efforts) needed to flow seamlessly together.  

In October 2020, 30 years after the last repaving was completed, the 2 block associations celebrated the newly repaved south driveway: quite an accomplishment!

Driveway Gates

Ours is a safe neighborhood; however, over the past few years our organization has been attempting to come up with solutions to issues that have been occasionally disrupting the alleyways we use to access our garages. These issues include: illegal parking, illegal dumping, graffiti, garage break-ins, car and property vandalism.

We have come to the realization that the vast majority of these issues would be resolved by securing the entrances to the driveways. Our organization currently has funds set aside to finance a large portion of the costs of repairing and/or replacing the existing gates facing Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Boulevard and Frederick Douglass Boulevard on both the north and south driveways. 

In January of 2021 the 138 & 139 Street Strivers’ Row Committee (whose members represent the 138th and 139th street block associations)  established a sub-committee to kick-off the Gates project which is currently looking at the feasibility of repairing or replacing and possibly automating the existing east and west bound gates. 

Similarly, In January of 2021 the 139th Street North Driveway Committee (whose members represent the north side of the 139th street block association) approved to kick-off the Gates Replacement and Automation project: In the Fall of 2021, we will replace the east bound gate and we will replace and automate the west bound gate.

Rodent Eradication

While we encourage all building owners to try to address any rodent problems on their property themselves, we do also realize that at times the rodent problems need to be dealt with in a collective manner. When private efforts are not enough, occasionally the Block Association hires pest control companies to deal with these issues.
In the past, our organization has addressed these matters with the help of city agencies such as The Department of Sanitation as well as The Health Department. When reaching out to these agencies for assistance in dealing with any problems we always try our best to make sure that their solutions are humane in nature.

Clean Up Days

Two or three times a year, weather permitting, the Block Association invites all residents that share the driveway between 138th and 139th Street to assist in a Day of Cleanup. This is an opportunity for fellow neighbors to work together in improving our driveway as well as our community. We typically work with the Department of Sanitation who lends brooms, shovels, bags and gloves for the effort.  These events are organized by the 138-139 St. Driveway Committee.

Additionally, the Block Association holds general clean up days for the north driveway and 139th street, and when possible we try to merge these events with the driveway cleanups for a general Day of Cleanup for the whole block. 
In the past, our Block Association proudly collaborated with the Harlem Healthy & Clean Campaign which brought together block associations, businesses and community-based organizations to clean up the trash and garbage on the blocks, sidewalks, gutters and avenue medians throughout Central Harlem.




A sizable amount of the money that we raise for our Association is derived from filming that occurs on our block and adjacent driveways. We normally look for a donation from production companies that use our surrounding streets and avenues for filming or for the parking of production vehicles.


On occasion we do have film scouts and location managers contacting us to see if there might be a house on the block available for interior filming rentals. Residents who would like to have your name on our list of filming-friendly houses should let us know.



Of course, we always accept private donations to our association from individuals as well as corporations. If you should happen to know of an organization that is looking to donate to any of our block beautification or neighborhood assistance programs please let us know. We can be reached at:

Please note that our association is a 501(c)(4) organization.


In the past, we have done two successful Home Tours on our block (October 2013 and October 2014). 


They have proven to be a wonderful means of fundraising for our Association. They have also been a great way of building on our community pride as well as neighborhood relations. 


We are considering another Home Tour event in the future and we are looking for residents who would like to volunteer to make it happen.

home tours.jpg
Fund Raising
Helping Hands


We encourage all the residents of the Kings Court Block Association to participate in the block’s volunteering endeavors. Our volunteering opportunities range from individual, at home projects such as: data entry and phone calls, to larger, group oriented events such as fundraising, alley clean ups, sundry project and event management, and more.

We are always looking for individuals with fresh ideas to sit on various association committees and assist with current projects. Not only is volunteering a great way to give back to your community, it’s also a great way to get to know your neighbors!


No amount of time or level of participation is too little. Our small combined efforts can yield significant results.


If you are interested in volunteering, please contact for information on how you can take part.

Jack O' Lantern


All you ghouls and goblins are welcome to our yearly Halloween celebration on West 139th Street! 

Our street is a popular Halloween destination for all the neighborhood parents and children. We create a memorable experience by providing a safe environment for neighbors to enjoy the season.  Many of our residents celebrate the holiday with decorations, holiday lights, music, photo opps, costumes and of course candy. We encourage our residents to participate in the festivities by keeping porch lights on and displaying orange balloons in front of their home. Orange balloons will be provided to you, the weekend before Halloween, by our Kings Court 139th Street Block Association. Have a spook-tacular evening! For more information, please email 



We try to have at least one neighborhood Block Association social event each year. 


In December 2019, in pre COVID times, we threw a Neighborhood Winter Gala Event at Gallery 8 located on 8th Ave and 139th Street (the Gallery has unfortunately closed its doors since due to the pandemic). This was an event sponsored by both our Block Association as well as the 138th Street Block Association. 


This Gala Event was our way of showing our appreciation to all of the wonderful neighbors on our two blocks - with a special emphasis on saying thank you to all the seniors on our block for all their years of effort in making our neighborhood a splendid place to call home.

Holiday Events
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